Friday, February 23, 2007

2:33 AM


Well, I'm into one of my moods where a word just occurs to me and I happen to think about it. The deeper I delve into it, the more confused I get, wanting in search for an answer. Well, do tag if you'd like to comment about the issue.


Decisions, decisions, decisions. Life is full of them. Right or wrong? To satisfy the majority or the minority? Would I be happy or would others be happy?

At times, when we make the right decisions, we never realise it till people come up to us and compliment us for it. At times, it goes un-noticed. Taken for granted. When we make the wrong decisions, the whole world faults you. Sometimes immediately, sometimes over a period of time. Sometimes even when the whole event/situations has ended so long ago.

A mentor once told me(yes, you know who you are when you're reading this): "You have to make a decision. You can't satisfy everyone." This brings a lot of thinking into it. Again, you decide if you should adhere to it or to go against it. Eventually, you'll wonder again if what you did was right or wrong.

Vicious cycle. Unreturnable. Facts of life.

Now that is only the deciding end. What about the receiving end?

When we receive a decision that benefits us, obviously we're satisfied. Perhaps be happy or remain emotionless. What about if we object to it? Do we see it from another perspective and try to understand the basis for that decision or strongly stick to the same spot and believe that one's personal decision or the other alternative is much better for the benefit of oneself but not the others?

More often, when we can't come to a decision at that point of time. We put it off. Once, it can be considered putting it off. Twice is procrastination. I'm sure all of us are guilty of it. At times we are aware of it but still go ahead but more often, we don't realise it till time has passed over a certain period of time. When we procrastinate, things never happen, things never get done. And it is rather difficult to reverse it because it embarks on the point of no return. It ends only when one decides to put a stop to it and get started on it.


Earlier on, before blogging this post, I happened to have an array of choices. However, I decided to lay off thinking about them till next month where they would be of higher importance as compared to what I have now. Seems like the journey of procrastination is about to begin...

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::::::[Will we know what lies ahead of us?]::::::

:: About Me ::

Brian Marc Teo Yuzhong


St. Joseph's Church Kindergarten

St. Anthony's Primary School
[1/6, 2/6, 3/1, 4/1, 5/3, 6/3]

Assumption English School
[1/1, 2/1, 3/1, 4/1]

Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Biotechnology [1F06, 2F07, 3F01]

4th ASEAN Student Exchange
Programme 2003

29th NCO Camp 2003

SAPS Concert Band

AES Concert Band

NP Concert Band

French Horn


:: Wants ::

*A piano
*A nice dark tan that stays
*The Five Greatest Warriors
*The Lost Symbol

:: Friends ::

AES Concert Band
Alvina Tan
Amanda Lim
Bernice Ong
Casper Chang
Charmaine Lee
Cheng Yee
Cindy Lim
Colin Teo
Daryl Ooi
Edmund Lim
Elmer Lee
Jacinda Chern
Jessilyn Yeong
Joanna Tay
Johan Ezran
Karen Ng
Kelyn Tng
Kenneth Tan
Kevin Teo
Louisa Lim
Nicholas Lee
NP Concert Band
Samuel Ho
Wayne Toh
Wei Lin
Wei Ren
Xin Rong
Yu Pin
Yun Rui

:: Voice Out ::

:: Entries Not Long Ago ::

Exams are finally over and I've been working since... ::: My new beltMy Zara Top My Freshbox Top My new pair... ::: Exam fever ::: Last but not least, the most wonderful present of... ::: A mug by Johan.. With a handphone accessory...Pra... ::: And I turn 19... ::: Today's weather seems to be fairly weird. Winds in... ::: GUILTY AS CHARGED. Do remember to erase your steps... ::: Open House has begun. Which means, school is in a ... ::: The Internet has disappointed me greatly. Search f... :::

:: Entries Ages Ago ::

August 2004 ::: September 2004 ::: October 2004 ::: November 2004 ::: December 2004 ::: January 2005 ::: February 2005 ::: March 2005 ::: April 2005 ::: May 2005 ::: June 2005 ::: July 2005 ::: August 2005 ::: September 2005 ::: October 2005 ::: November 2005 ::: December 2005 ::: January 2006 ::: February 2006 ::: March 2006 ::: April 2006 ::: May 2006 ::: June 2006 ::: July 2006 ::: August 2006 ::: September 2006 ::: October 2006 ::: November 2006 ::: December 2006 ::: January 2007 ::: February 2007 ::: March 2007 ::: April 2007 ::: May 2007 ::: June 2007 ::: July 2007 ::: August 2007 ::: September 2007 ::: October 2007 ::: November 2007 ::: December 2007 ::: January 2008 ::: February 2008 ::: March 2008 ::: April 2008 ::: May 2008 ::: June 2008 ::: July 2008 ::: August 2008 ::: September 2008 ::: October 2008 ::: November 2008 ::: December 2008 ::: January 2009 ::: February 2009 ::: March 2009 ::: April 2009 ::: May 2009 ::: June 2009 ::: July 2009 ::: November 2009 ::: December 2009 ::: January 2010 :::

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